Sunday, June 29, 2008

Alien Versus Predator Requiem

First let me start by saying that I prefer the Predator franchise. There is just something about a shaman-like cosmic being that has all kinds of fancy gadgets that is appealing to me.

Second, let me say that I am not a huge fan of the Alien franchise. Perhaps it is because the sci-fi genre in general doesn't appeal to me that much, but I would say it stems more from that fact that I hate cockroaches with a vengeance. To be honest, isn't the Alien pretty much just a big slimy interplanetary roach? I mean they are super hard to kill, like damp dark places, and multiply too fast for a guy to keep up.

That being said, since the days that the original comics came out I've always been cheering for the Predator.

Now on to the movie. I can remember when the first came out that there was quite a lot of hype for it. However when this one came out did it even show in the theater? If it did, I must have been sick that day because I missed it.

The opening scene in "AVPR" pretty much gives the viewer a glimpse into what they will be in for throughout the rest of the film. Aliens popping out of chests and Predators trying to shoot them. You might think that this is an over-simplified analysis of the movie, but unfortunately it is not.

For me, you could substitute the Aliens or the Predator with any other randomly created monsters (i.e. a sinister midgets, swamp monsters, killer dolls) without there being any significant need to change any of the plot. At least the first film tried to play some with the idea of an ancient burial ground and aliens/predators being on earth before.

The ending of this film is just as mediocre as the beginning and middle parts. I watched this film yesterday, and to be honest I already can't remember what happened. I'm pretty sure it involved aliens coming out of chests and predators killing them though.

Horror revoir'

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