I'm re-watching the "Are You Scared" DVD.
Here goes a test of faith. In case anyone out in cyberspace actually reads this, be forwarned...I'm going to talk about the opening trailers to the DVD. I actually bagged 3 or 4 in a row that I had already seen. I felt like I had some mystical badge of honor that kept growing with each trailer. I thought- "I've seen all of these movies...I must be a connoisseur".
Then the trailer for "Something Dark" happened. wow. oh. my. god. Trailers are created to be amazing. That's kind of the whole point. You're supposed to be able to take a crap-ass movie and make it at least rentable. This was the worst trailer I have ever seen. No, really, I'm serious. It looks like a home horror movie that I made with my sister and my mom. The cherry on top is some dude who's fake beard moves on-and-off of his chin while he speaks. I honestly can't believe that they chose these scenes as the cream-of-the-crop to put into the trailer. By default, of course, I'm going to have to rent it and blog about it...but it's going to take a whole lot of bourbon.
By the way: "The Feeding" which was the next trailer...it was one of those trailers where you could tell the movie probably sucked, but at least the trailer made you kind-of want to see it. It's almost worth renting "Are You Scared" just to have a 5 minute lesson in how to make a crappy trailer and a decent trailer.
Here's a little bit of movie trivia- question marks are bad luck. At least that's what I learned from IMDB when I read about the trivia of "Who Framed Roger Rabbit". That movie title has no question mark, even though the title is interrogative. "Are You Scared" has the same antigrammatical faux pas. Let's see if that helps...
FYI, I saw this film once before, but I couldn't remember much about it.
Hmmm....the first scene is like "Saw"...but way less suspensful.
I just realized that this DVD only has 2-channel stereo, and that's the only option.
Jason just blew up. So far, this movie doesn't have any of the suspence that Saw has. The thing about Saw was that at least a few of the people either beat the challenges or tried as hard as they could. This is more like Saw 2 where no one really tried that hard, and the movie just tried to hurt people without much personal gain from the characters.
I like the drill scene. Apparently the directors/editors/sound editors/negative cutters liked the scene too...they drug it out forever. They put the kind of treatment on it like when Braveheart was screaming "freeeeedooooommmm!!!!"
Wilhelm Scream when the shotgun guy falls down the stairs...add this to the ever-growing list. His task and death are pretty weak, though.
"He keeps to himself mostly"...I have always liked that line because it's usually true.
And then in the end...you lost me, I really had no empathy for any of these characters. I didn't even care when one character accidentaly killed another. I kind of hoped the villian would just kill them all and do it fast. Unlike "Saw", the police officers were barely even useful characters.
The chick cop is the slowest walking character ever. How can her partner get into the building in a matter of seconds, while it takes her a half an hour? Plus, she didnt' do anything. The whole point of her character was to show up afterwards and try to guess about what happened.
The ending was made just to maybe create a sequel. I'm not sure if there is one, but I didn't really see anything sequel-worthy. I swear, I really will review a good movie soon.