Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lost Boys: The Tribe

There have been rumors of a sequel/remake to Lost Boys forever. I always thought it would have to be a really good movie, or don't even bother making it. I think I've found a new way to save a crappy movie- go straight to video. I don't know what that would do for most movies' revenues, but at least from a critic's standpoint, it allows you to be pleasantly surprised.
From what I understand, Lost Boys: The Tribe was supposed to be a theatrical release. I saw a few episodes of The Two Coreys, but not all of them, so I kind of know what is going on there. Haim was trying to get back in the movie business and get off the drugs, and Feldman was trying to help out and make a movie along the way.

I actually liked this movie better than I thought I would. It's nowhere as good as the original, but it has some really good effects and a few hotties mixed in. Corey Feldman finally grew into the voice that he was trying to use in the first film. He still seems like he's forcing it a little bit sometimes, though.

I liked the cameo in the beginning with Savini. I bet it was him that created his own head. It looked great. I think I would have liked to see what would have happened if he was a major character in this film. He could have been the main vampire. I suppose he would be a bit too old to be hanging out with the other characters, though.

There were some pretty good effects and gore. There is one scene where a vampire gets stabbed in the heart and he starts retching blood. It was pretty realistic.

One thing I always enjoyed from the original film was the theme song. I liked the new updated version in this film. I suppose I mostly like it because they didn't change it very much.

Overall, it was worth watching. I wonder if this was a straight-to-video movie that had theater film money behind it and that's why it turned out ok.

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