Sunday, July 20, 2008

Sleepaway Camp III

I'm going to continue with my trend of reviewing movies out of order with no sense of reason. I am currently watching Sleepaway Camp III and I'm going to try and blog it as I watch. If you haven't seen the first installment of this series, stop reading this and go watch it. Even if you haven't heard of Sleepaway Camp, it's mandatory movie material- right up there with Halloween, Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street.

The sequels to Sleepaway Camp are an example of a horror series that completely deviates from its original genius and subscribes to the themes of Sex, Drugs, and Rock 'N Roll. I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with that, of course. A totally mindless movie with controlled nudity and humor is definately just won't be praiseworthy.

So, this crapfest of a movie starts with tits right off the bat. The main character is tattooed with "Milk Shake" right above her moo-taps. I guess she was bringing all the boys to the yard way before Kelis was. The opening scene is actually fairly decent. I always like any movie where the main character is an outcast in their own family. Rob Zombie seems to excel in this area, although he might have taken notes from J.K. Rowling.

So, after the first scene it gets pretty boring...lots of introductory scenes. A few more boobs. I guess I can't really give away the secret of Angela Baker until you've seen the first movie. Do yourself a favor and watch it and prepare to have your mind blown.

Michael J. Pollard appears in this movie. Actually, he is probably the most prolific actor in the entire film. I suppose that should give you an idea of what to expect from this film. He isn't as eloquent as in "House of 1000 Corpses" like in that scene where he describes the resident retard, but, um...he's in the movie. He also gets a little action from a camp girl who is half his age. Props for that man...because he looked like he was really into it. His little tent girl wasn't so bad, and he looked like he was really having some fun.

Wow- a horrible scene. They fish a Jason mask out of the lake and Angela asks what day it is. Her friends claim that it is "Saturday, the 14th". Seriously?

Hmm, I guess 15 minutes later and I don't have much to report. It isn't much of a horror movie when you know who the killer is, and you get to watch them carry out their entire plan. There isn't much suspense in this's kind of like watching a home video of somebody going around killing people.

Woah...a little racism scene. The N word was dropped. The rap guy is arguing with the country girl. Let's see who dies first.

I kind of like the "strike 3" scene where the killer asks if the girl does drugs, is a virgin, or was a cheerleader. This was way before "Scream" where any movie would actually admit to the stereotypes of the victims. Plus, I don't think I've ever seen anyone killed by a flagpole.

BTW, there are no "Camp New Horizon" sweatshirts on eBay.

What the hell is with Angela's crazy mop hair? That has to be a wig. They show flashbacks to the second movie- she had fairly decent hair back then. Were they trying to make a signature character with her whack hair?

Not the greatest death scene- Angela pushes a counseler into a trash heap and then buries her. The shovel action is pretty fake. Then she brings the lawnmower. It's definately no "Dead Alive" as there is no gore.

The very next death scene has absolutely no gore. This is starting to suck.

Holy crap. The next death scene has no gore. I could have made this movie in my back yard.

You know how in Psycho you never actually see any stabbing during the shower scene? I saw more viscera in that scene than in the last hour of this damn movie.

Oh this is just crap now. It's a scene where Angela shows everyone that she is the killer and then gives them a challenge to try and save their own lives. The only reason I feel any pity for anyone in this movie is because I'm sure they are cold because I can see their breath. Angela dropped a body from a rope from above and nobody really seems any more upset than they were a few minutes ago.

Two chicks rolling around fighting in the leaves. Why don't they just strip and wrestle in jello? A neutral observer of this movie would agree that the only good parts of this movie are the random nudity. The character development is weak, the death scenes are horrible, there is absolutely no suspense.

I think the lack of suspense is the worst part of the movie. Every other horror movie I have ever seen is from the point of view from the victims. That is the essence of suspense. If you are just following the killer going around killing people, you might as well just watch a butcher at work killing animals like it's his 9-to-5.

A final positive note: The rock song during the credits is called "sleepaway"...I bet half of the money for this film went to this song.

-Adam E

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